Our Work…

Includes Indigenous Social Innovation and how we achieve this is by our ceremonies, our prophecies, our research with collaborating with many organizations to solve todays challenges for future generations.

Our Ceremonies are opened to the human family.

We ask you honour our ceremonial protocols.

Please contact us.


8th Fire Prophecies

To help the children of the 8th Fire and future generation be healthy and strong.


Wendy Phillips

Chief Executive Officer

ACT’s Vision & Mission supports the Ceremonies, Cultural Training, Cultural Camps and Cultural Events on the land.

8th Fire Farms

Wendy Phillips

Chief Executive Officer

8th Fire Farms Vision & Mission supports the ceremonies medicines that is used in our ceremonies. As a consequence of Climate Change and Urbanization our plants are becoming endangered and no longer have access to these ecosystems.

Indigenous Research


  • Mental Health;

  • Health;

  • Climate Change;